Lost Camo® Products
The first line of defense against an animal’s vision is the camo you wear while in the field. Lost Camo® is available on some of the finest hunting apparel and accessories in the world to help keep you hidden from even the most wary critters.

Mrs. Doe Pee’s Bucklure
Mrs. Doe Pee’s Bucklure specializes in maintaining the integrity of the Whitetail Doe’s Estrus Phermones; the way nature intended it and Big Bucks expect it.
Mrs. Doe Pee’s Doe in Estrus; fresh, pure, and uncut. Let your buck know he has found a hot doe.
Use pre-rut, during the rut, and post rut. Available in a 1.25 oz applicator bottle that will drip, squirt, or produce a fine spray mist. Also available in a large 4 oz bottle for refilling the applicator, and in a 5.25 oz combo pack.
“Mrs. Doe Pee Bucklures… the way nature intended it, and big bucks expect it!”
We Lure, You Hunt.